Calling all leaders

District Leadership Nominations

Happy New Year District 106. With the new year I am sure that many of you are looking forward to a year of growth in 2022.  Why not resolve to take a step forward in your leadership skills.  We are looking for candidates for leaders for the 2022 – 2023 Toastmasters Year!

 In multiple training sessions over the last 18 months, I’ve asked leaders what are some characteristics of good leaders? I heard answers like:

  • Visionary
  • Good communicator
  • Consistent
  • Inclusive
  • Flexible
  • …among others

Do you know someone who fits that description? We are looking for nominations for the leadership roles of District 106 who fit that description. If you would like to nominate someone for leadership (someone you know or yourself), please fill out the Nomination Form below and send it to

I became a leader because someone asked me to take that next step in my leadership journey and I’ve continued on this journey to give back to my fellow Toastmasters and the organization that has helped me so much. If you know someone to ask, or you want to give back, fill out and send me the Nomination Form below. Thanks!

The District Leadership Committee is accepting nominations for the following elected roles:

  • District Director
  • Program Quality Director
  • Club Growth Director
  • Division Director – Please specify which division (A-F).

Go to Toastmasters International’s explanation of the District Executive Committee Roles.

Here is a video by Past International President Peck regarding running a positive campaign to align with the core values of Toastmasters International.

How to Declare & Submit Your Nomination

To discuss these roles and/or declare your intent to run for a role, please contact District Leadership Committee (DLC) Chair, Michael Carlton by the end of March 15th, 2022. Once you’ve declared your intent to run, you’ll then schedule an interview and complete the nomination forms (below).

To complete your nomination, please complete and submit the following forms to Michael Carlton before your interview.

  1. Candidate Application
  2. District Leader Nominating Form
  3. Officer Agreement and Release Statement

Michael Carlton, DTM
Past District Director
District 106 
Phone: 612-750-0098

Toastmasters International Where Leaders Are Made